The following links will help ensure businesses are properly licensed, and, if needed, registered with the state.
Applying for a Business License
The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration provides the details on what type of permits and licenses you may need, depending on the type of business. Visit the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration for more details.
Land Use, Zoning, and Entitlement Permits
If the business is operating in an unincorporated area, make sure you have the proper land use permits from the county’s Planning Department. Visit the Planning Department website for more details.
Building & Safety Permits
For building or renovation at a business location, make sure the proper permits from the county's Building and Safety Department are obtained. Visit the Building & Safety Department website for more details.
Transportation and Encroachment Permits
If a business plans to temporarily enter the public road right-of-way, obtain the proper permits from the Riverside County Transportation Department. Visit the Transportation Department website for more details.
Environmental Health Permits
Several types of businesses, including restaurants, body art and piercing shops, public pools, and mobile home parks, are required to obtain environmental health permits, renewed every one to three years depending on the type of business. Other businesses that use underground storage tanks, septic systems or wells may also require permits. Please visit the Environmental Health Department website for more information.
Specialty Permits
Specialty business licenses and permits are needed for massage services, bingo, fortune telling or sex-oriented businesses. Specialty permits for the referenced businesses must be obtained from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. Visit the Sheriff's Department website for more information.
Office of Economic Development
The Office of Economic Development is a resource to support businesses and contribute to the great quality of life in our communities. Services also include the film commission and foreign trade.
Agricultural Commissioner's Office
The Agricultural Commissioner’s Office registers business operators that use, store and/or handle pesticides within the county, businesses that operate weighing and/or measuring devices for commercial use, businesses that use computerized pricing systems or those that package commodities for sale. Visit the Agricultural Commissioner's Office for more information.