A Tribute to Career Building and Inspiring Leaders this National Mentorship Month
Thu, 25/01/2024 - 04:00
Mentoring is a way to connect to the next generation, uplifting their voices and inspiring each individual to recognize their value and worth. National Mentorship Month highlights the importance of mentorship in fostering professional growth, guiding aspiring leaders and creating a positive impact within communities.
At the core of Riverside County's commitment to mentorship is the exemplary leadership of Heidi Marshall, director of Housing and Workforce Solutions, who has provided over 20 years of service to the county. Heidi's dedication to mentoring has inspired countless individuals to reach their career goals and achieve success in their respective fields.
"For any mentor, mentoring is really about being a part of something important, a worthy cause, and for the mentee, their participation is indicative of their desire to learn, grow and ultimately envision a better future." says Heidi Marshall.
Heidi's passion for mentorship is not just a philosophy but a lived experience for many individuals who have had the privilege of being mentored by her. Two such mentees, Jacquelyn Muller, public information specialist with RivCo Parks and Stephanie Adams, deputy director of Housing and Workforce Solutions, reflect on how having a mentor supported their respective professional journey.
Muller expressed gratitude, stating, "Heidi's guidance has been instrumental in navigating my career. She has been a constant source of inspiration and has provided valuable insights that have helped me propel forward."
Adams added, "Having a mentor was a game-changer for me. Heidi’s wealth of experience, combined with her genuine commitment to our success, has motivated me to aim higher and achieve goals I once thought were beyond my reach. My advice to others is to find a mentor, someone you can learn from and someone who challenges you to grow."
As Riverside County celebrates National Mentorship Month, all professionals are encouraged to connect with a mentor who contributes to the growth and success of individuals within our community. Mentorship not only builds stronger professionals, but also creates a ripple effect that strengthens the fabric of our workforce and society.
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