March 5 Election Night Results Reporting
March 5, 2024
Riverside County Registrar of Voters is committed to providing timely and accurate updates throughout the evening. Below is the schedule for reporting results on Election Night.
First Tabulation (Approximately 8:20 p.m.): The initial results tabulation will encompass vote-by-mail and unscanned vote center ballots received prior to Election Day. These results are expected to be issued at approximately 8:20 p.m.
Second Tabulation (Approximately 9 p.m.): Following the first tabulation, the second results tabulation will include any vote-by-mail ballots processed after 8 p.m. and any vote center ballots received prior to 8 p.m. These results are anticipated to be issued at approximately 9 p.m.
Subsequent Updates: Throughout the night, results will continue to be uploaded every hour until approximately 3 a.m.
Vote-by-mail ballots dropped off on Election Day, as well as conditional vote ballots, will be verified and counted in the days following Election Night. In addition, any vote-by-mail ballots delivered by the postal service that are postmarked on or before Election Day and received up to seven days following Election Day will be verified and counted.
Election results will continue to be updated daily until all ballots are counted. The office is committed to ensuring that the public remains informed as the electoral process unfolds.
To access the latest election results, visit our results page directly at