Riverside County launches map of local food resources
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
Riverside County
Riverside County Joint Information Center
(951) 955-5087
Riverside County launches map of local food resources
In response to an increasing number of requests for resources, Riverside County has released an online map to connect residents to food resources. Food Access gives directions to local senior meal sites, school district meal sites and food pantries within a 10-mile radius. The map also includes relevant details such as hours of operation, contact information and special populations served.
As COVID-19 continues to cause uncertainty in the job market, many local organizations have introduced temporary food pantries. Riverside County employees keep in contact with local food providers to ensure the map’s accuracy. New food providers can email [email protected] to be included on the map.
“Thank you to all the organizations that are making sure there is a safety net and our residents have food to eat. Resources such as this virtual map are important so people are aware of services that are available and are able to access them,” stated Riverside County Board Chair and Fourth District Supervisor V. Manuel Perez.
Food Access supports food pantry operators, who have received fewer donations at a time when they are also seeing double or triple the number of individuals and families in need. Community members who want to donate food or funds can use the website to locate their nearest food pantry.
Food Access is available on www.rivcoph.org/coronavirus and on the RivCoMobile app (available on iOS and Android).
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