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More than 60 Cool Centers Open during the heat

August 29, 2023

As temperatures begin to rise again, health officials are urging residents to take precautions to protect themselves from triple-digit temperatures that are expected to hit the region today and tomorrow.

There are 69 cool centers in locations throughout Riverside County offering residents a welcome retreat from the heat. This is a partnership coordinated by Community Action Partnership of Riverside County between local organizations such as libraries and community centers. The cool centers are available to residents at no cost and will be open through October as temperatures warrant.

“High temperatures like those we are experiencing can be dangerous to everyone, especially those who are very young, or elderly or those with underlying health conditions. It can also impact those who work and exercise outdoors for even short periods of time,” said Dr. Geoffrey Leung, public health officer for Riverside County. “Please do not underestimate the dangers of being outside in this heat. There are steps, however, that you can take to protect yourself.”

Public Health recommends limiting outdoor activity, remaining indoors in air-conditioned buildings, wearing loose and light-colored clothing, taking cool showers or baths and drinking lots of water. Avoid drinking alcohol or liquids containing high amounts of sugar. Working outdoors during peak periods can be hazardous even for those who feel they are acclimated to the heat.

High temperatures can be hazardous for many people, especially for the elderly and those with medical conditions. Heat-related injuries such as heatstroke, an illness that occurs when the body can no longer regulate its temperature, can strike fast and pose life-threatening consequences.

Riverside County residents without access to air-conditioning are urged to visit a local cool center.

Light refreshments and water will be available at some locations. For information about how to stay cool, or cool center locations, visit:

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